How to Make Your Loved One’s Assisted Living Room Feel Like Home

One of the hardest parts of moving into an assisted living facility is feeling like you’ve lost everything you know. The one thing that keeps your loved one grounded is seeing the same people, and things, as they did at home. In addition to regularly visiting your loved one, there’s something you can do from the beginning to ensure they feel just as safe and comfortable as they did at home: Re-create their space!

1. Set Up Your Loved One’s Bedroom Exactly as It Was at Home

This is especially important for loved ones with Dementia or Alzheimer’s who easily get confused or unsure of their surroundings. Try to set up their room exactly as it was at home, or as much as the new space allows.

Familiarity is the best way to make someone feel secure, and it will also help your loved one with ease of use. If they were used to getting out of bed and grabbing clothes from their dresser right beside the bed, then set it up that way so they can continue to go through the same movements.

2. Hang Pictures Around the Room

Pictures are another great way to help your loved one feel secure in their new space. On days that you can’t visit, they can look at the pictures around the room and be reminded that they have family who loves them. This is another big helper for loved ones with Dementia or Alzheimer’s. The more familiar their surroundings, the more stable they will feel.

3. Create Separate Living Spaces

It’s important to encourage a normal schedule and activity for your loved one. Having a sitting area separate from a sleeping area will encourage your loved one to get out of bed and enjoy the day as they would normally do at home.

If your loved one is moving into a regular apartment-style room, then this is already done for you. But if they are moving into a studio-style room, then be sure to situate the furniture so there is a clear sitting area apart from the bed.

4. Decorate Like Home

In addition to setting everything up how it was at home, you should also consider bringing in your loved one’s decorations and home accessories to make their room more inviting. Pictures, blankets, books, and knick knacks are all things that will help make your loved one’s new room feel like home.

Plus, if they have a room they are proud of, it’s more likely that they will enjoy spending time there and maybe even invite new friends in for coffee.

5. Stock Up On the Snacks They Love

One of the biggest concerns among seniors moving to an assisted living facility is they feel they are being deprived of things they could have or do in their normal lives at home. Stocking up on their favorite things – snacks, magazines, crafts – will assure them that they can still enjoy the things they love in this new, unfamiliar place.

To find out if assisted living at The Inn at Belden Village is for you, contact us today for more information or request a free lunch and tour of our facility.