How Making the Move to Assisted Living Can Benefit Quality of Life
We all love to imagine that we will live out our days in our own homes, surrounded by the people and things that we cherish. But if your loved one lives to a ripe old age, there may come a time when they need some help with their activities of daily living, such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their home.
If this is the case, an assisted living facility can certainly benefit your loved one by offering them help, friendship, activities, and good meals. Consider all the benefits of making the move to a quality facility like The Inn at Belden Village below.
Have People to Help With Difficult Tasks
In an assisted living setting, your loved ones will have people at the ready to help them with the essentials of daily life that may have become more difficult with age.
If your family member needs help getting dressed or taking their medication, there is someone nearby to assist. If your family member is no longer able to clean the house, bathe themselves easily, or deal with other elements of self-care, then the aides at an assisted living facility can step in to fill the void.
You can feel comfortable knowing that your loved ones’ needs will be met and they can get on to the more appealing elements of living out their golden years.
Enjoy Camaraderie and Friendships
One of the best parts of growing older is having more time to enjoy friendships and camaraderie. Human relationships are at the heart of living a long and happy life. With a variety of people in close proximity, your loved ones can enjoy companionship and friendships even when you cannot be there to engage with them yourselves.
Research from Harvard’s School of Public Health shows that strong relationships with family and friends lead to increased longevity. With a wide variety of people that call an assisted living facility home, your loved ones will certainly benefit from all the socialization.
Choose Activities to Keep You Going
As the old saying goes, people need to use it or lose it. If you don’t use your muscles, they will atrophy. If you don’t use your mind, it is more partial to dementia. The more activities your family members enjoy, the happier and healthier they will be overall.
Your loved ones can get a great workout for their body, mind, and spiritual life in an assisted living facility. There is something for everyone—a wide variety of activities from which to choose. From the quintessential bingo game, to spiritual groups, to exercise classes, to special interest groups, your loved ones will benefit from the myriad of activities that an assisted living facility offers each day to get them moving and smiling.
Eat Nutritional Food Without Worry
One of the biggest problems for older people is keeping track of their nutrition. Whether your loved ones are tired of cooking a full meal, or it has become cumbersome, tedious, or dangerous for them to do so, an assisted living facility can offer nutritional food without the hassle or trouble of preparing it. A good assisted living facility schedules a menu of quality meals with taste and nutrition in mind, so your loved one can get the food they need to fuel all of their activities.
Your loved one has lived a long life thus far and deserves to be able to slow down and relax. Consider an assisted living facility to meet their needs and help them enjoy some extra-golden golden years. A stellar assisted living facility such as The Inn at Belden Village can take the worry out of food preparation, dressing, bathing, and other activities of daily living. At the end of the day, you and your loved one will both be happy knowing that they are well-cared for.
Schedule a free lunch and tour of our facility today!